Hall Extension

Final Composite Logo To Use Jul 11Memorial Hall Extension and Refurbishment

Tetsworth Memorial Hall

Tetsworth Memorial Hall

The long awaited extension and improvements to the hall began in September 2012 and were completed in June 2013.

In addition to fundraising through local events and activities the hall committee are particularly grateful to the following bodies who provided grants or loans to enable the building of the extension (in alphabetical order).

Cozen’s Bequest

Doris Field Trust

Garfield Weston Grant

Leader (Liaisons Entre Actions de Developement de L’Economie Rurale) an EU funded organisation in liaison with DEFRA. The Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) is funded by Defra and the EU. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD): Europe investing in rural areas.

Oxfordshire County Council   –   http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk

South Oxfordshire District Council   –   http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/

Tetsworth Parish Council   –   http://www.tetsworthparishcouncil.co.uk

Tetsworth Trust   –   http://tetsworthtrust.weebly.com/index.html

Follow the early build progress on the Tetsworth Parish Council website

WIP Hall Front 1

Extension – from the High Street

Main Hall Interior

Main Hall Interior

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